Dr. Farzana Rahman, Founder Hexarad

Dr. Farzana Rahman, a former consultant radiologist, frequently encountered the problem of: "Too many scans and not enough radiologists", which compromised patient care. Rahman formed part of a team of fo...
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Dr. Rachael Grimaldi, Founder CardMedic

Dr. Rachael Grimaldi is a senior anaesthetic registrar at Great Ormond Street Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and Co-Founder/CEO at CardMedic, a digital health start-up focused on reducing health inequitie...

Education Resources

Check out our list of recommended online courses and other educational resources for healthcare innovators and entrepreneurs https://doctorpreneurs.com/education/ https://doctorpreneurs.com/education/ ...

Websites & Newsletters

We have compiled a list of useful websites and newsletters that we think could help you on your entrepreneurial journey https://doctorpreneurs.com/websites/ https://doctorpreneurs.com/websites/ ...


Check out our list of recommended podcasts here Healthtech - Innovation - Entrepreneurship - Startups - Leadership https://doctorpreneurs.com/podcasts/ https://doctorpreneurs.com/podcasts/ ...


Check out our list of recommended books for budding healthcare / healthtech innovators, entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs https://doctorpreneurs.com/books/ https://doctorpreneurs.com/books/ ...


Check out our list of recommended startup accelerators here https://doctorpreneurs.com/accelerators/ https://doctorpreneurs.com/accelerators/ ...
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Dr James Somauroo, Founder SomX

Dr James Somauroo is founder and CEO of SomX, a healthtech-specific communications agency. Somauroo produces the Healthtech Podcast, a podcast with 12,000 downloads per month and listeners in 120 ...