january, 2018

17jan9:00 am1:00 pmNHS Masterclass: Data driven Healthcare

Event Details

As part of the Digital Leadership in Healthcare Masterclass Series 2017/2018, the London Leadership Academy is running in partnership with DigitalHealth.London its Digital Health Masterclass Series 2017/18 focused on ‘Digital Leadership in Healthcare’. Following the success of our Open Masterclass ‘The Internet of Things in focus’ on the 29 June, we are pleased to announce a series of half day (09:30 – 13:00) Digital Health Masterclasses.

The objective of these Masterclasses is for operational and clinical staff in leadership positions within healthcare organisations to build their awareness of the digital health technologies that have potential to transform the delivery of care to patients.  Also to develop their capabilities to lead and champion digital transformation within their organisations. These Masterclasses are delivered using an approach that facilitates critical thinking and discussion through the use of case studies which describe real implementations. Thus enabling NHS professionals and clinicians to be better prepared for and open to a digital future in healthcare.

At Friends Meeting House, 173 – 177 Euston Road, London NW1 2BJ

The courses will cover the following core areas:

  • 101 – nuts and bolts
  • Operational and Clinical outcome implications
  • Case examples (of real life implementations)
  • Overcoming challenges
  • Opportunities
  • Action and next steps

Delegates will come away having developed their capability in:

  1. Understanding new technologies and how they can be applied in healthcare
  2. Analysing situations to identify opportunities for use of digital health technologies
  3. Understanding the organisational and human factor challenges to effective adoption of technology
  4. Developing core leadership thinking in the context of digital transformation
  5. Connecting with like-minded clinicians and healthcare professionals working within the NHS in positions of leadership relating to digital transformation

For more information please contact samantha.richards@hee.nhs.uk or info@digitalhealth.london or click  ‘Book Now’ on our webpage www.londonleadershipacademy.nhs.uk


09:30 – 10:30     Speaker – Dr David Bell, Brunel University – “Data-driven simulation and strategic change”: A Hillingdon Hospital A&E case study

10:30 – 11:15     Speaker – Jen Hawes-Hewitt – Global Cities Consulting, Accenture – “Big Data, the potential for future healthy cities”

Break (15 mins)

11:30 – 12:00     Speaker – Karl Surmacz – Principal Data Scientist at McLaren Applied Technologies – “Use of big data in other industries – lessons for the NHS”

12:00 – 13:00     Tower Hamlets CCG – “Using big data to reduce the prescription of antipsychotic drugs”



(Wednesday) 9:00 am - 1:00 pm


Friends Meeting House

173 – 177 Euston Road, London NW1 2BJ

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