This November the PatientsCreate team are running what promises to be a must-attend event for those working in/with the pharmaceutical industry. Their past two events were really fantastic – highly recommended!
You can register for the event here. Use the discount code “COMP” to receive £150 off the standard ticket price.
Further details about the event can be found here.
25 speakers, 250 pharma dels, 1 day covering:
• How to build a multi-layered wrap around service that engages
stakeholders and improve outcomes.
• Use Real World Data for improved reimbursement.
• Increase physician engagement and loyalty through your menu of
support services.
Some of the speakers include:
• Dr Wolfgang Renz, CVP Innovation & Global Head Business Model &
Healthcare Innovation,Boehringer Ingelheim
• David Gibson, Global Head, Innovation Centre of Excellence,GlaxoSmithKline
• Simon Wootton, COO, North Manchester CCG
• Stephen Whitehead, Chief Executive, ABPI
• Dr Neil Goulbourne, Head of Corporate Development & Innovation, Virgin Care