september, 2016

30sep8:30 am4:30 pmWhat can Clinicians, Innovators and Service Improvers Learn from Jugaad Innovation?

Event Details

The Aim of the In Conversation Series is to stimulate and deepen

the exchange of ideas, insights and evidence that can help leaders,

managers, as well as front line leaders, clinicians, nurses, AHPs,

Entrepeneurs, SMEs, Researchers, Consultants and others to sustain

better quality and performance across health, social care, local

government and Third Sector organisations.

In this masterclass, a faculty including two internationally renowned pioneers on Jugaad Innovation, Leaders of Innovation, Innovators and Clinicians, will bring their considerable insights and experience on innovation to enthuse and inspire you on the potential of innovation for delivering better quality outcomes across health and social care.

How can organisations harness and sustain the collective interests and energies of all their staff to think and act differently to co-design and deliver quality services within available resources?

How can clinicians and front line staff across health and social care providers engage with and sustain improvements through process, service and strategy innovations for delivering better and more effective services to their patients?

What can Clinicians and Service Improvers learn from and make effective use of Jugaad Innovations across health and social care settings?



Delivering Change and Trans-
formation in Health and Social

8.30-9.00 Registration and Networking

9.00- 9.10 Chair’s Opening Remarks: Care: New Strategic Mindsets

9.10-9.50 On Jugaad Innovation: Prof Jaideep Braphu

The challenges facing health and care services over the next decade or so, are daunting. Financial constraints, increasing

9.50-10.30 Jugaad in Action: Prof Balram Bhargava

prevalence of Long Term Conditions, rising expectations of patients and other stakeholders, including politicians, regulators and commissioners are key. These challenges do however provide opportunities for thinking and acting in different Coffee, Exhibition and Networking

ways in approaching change and transformation, necessary for making a difference that matters.

11.00-11.30 Innovation & Jugaad in the NHS Dr Mahiben Maruthappu and Dr Liz Mear

New ways of organising and delivering services through more effective staff engagement and quality improvement strategies is a vital starting point. So too are new ways of providing integrated and joined up care across organisational

11.30-12.00 Showcase Session: 6 Presentations

boundaries through more collaborative and partnership work with providers within and across other sectors.

12.00-13.00 Innovation, Jugaad and Ambidexterity: Small Group Activity

The Five Year Forward View provides the blue print for strategic action and the Dalton Review on Revitalising the Provider Sector provides a compelling case as to what can be achieved on organisational forms and organisational reach to es-calating transformational and transactional change. Top down radical reform as announced in the Greater Manchester

13.00-13.45 Lunch, Exhibition and Network

Devolution is now matched at local levels by the ambitions of Vanguard Sites.

13.45 -15.05 Repeat workshops X 2 for 40 mins each

There is now an increasing interest for “developing and delivering new forms of local, integrated and shared services

15.0.5-15.30 Coffee, Exhibition and Network

across health and social care organisations to serve wider geographies and populations.” Equally, there is now an urgentneed to deepen the strategic conversations and learning at systems level to deliver on transformation and change across

15.30-16.30 In Conversation: Prof Jaideep Braphu with Prof Balram Bhargava .

health and social care. This timely series of national conferences and masterclasses will provide expert input to support and deepen learning

End of Class

Email to secure tickets



(Friday) 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

